Less Baby, More Bath Water

My client mused, “I’m ready to focus on the philosophy and business of fitness. I’m tired of telling people what to do!” My response was immediate, if not cliche: “Yes, and don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater just yet!”

We talked about how to expand from where you are by considering keeping some of what’s working already - essentially, adding instead of subtracting. Over the years, I’ve seen eager solopreneurs make reactive changes to their business model when they might be better served to zoom out, take a longer view, and apply thoughtfulness to the next step.

Sometimes, the “fail fast and fail often” approach to products and services is what best serves your customers. The idea here is to practice seeing more than the limiting and obvious dual (and dueling) options: doing the same thing or trying something completely different. 

My client realized he could incorporate a new philosophy of mindset into his current instructional content. His followers, who appreciate going beyond the traditional methods of teaching fitness, could then deepen their virtual workout experience. In short, it would be a way to add value for clients, while making life more interesting for him: a win-win option.

So, when considering options to up level your offerings, give the proverbial baby more bath water and it will have room to stretch out, grow, and maybe even learn to swim.

In short, aim to rise above the limitations of either-or thinking and instead watch your creativity - and client experience - soar.

As always, I would love to hear your thoughts and connect with you here on LinkedIn.

Katie Peuvrelle